What it would mean for America to have “Legal Marijuana”?

The Federal Government has warned the public that Marijuana is dangerous and will destroy your life (1937). In turn they convinced people that this mystery drug marihuana was indeed something that can drive you crazy. Movies such as Reefer Madness and Marijuana: the Devil’s Weed sparked a massive public distaste for the drug. Legal Marijuana in turn, became very illegal marijuana shortly after.
One must understand that the reason Marijuana was illegalized was not founded on scientific or medical evidence but private intent of rich billionaires. In fact the only people who spoke against the illegalization of Marijuana in 1937 was the US Medical Board stating; “They did not know that Marijuana was Hemp”.
Before Marijuana, the plant was referred to as Hemp. Hemp was the number one cash crop in America and was used in various different industries. In fact the First Model T by Hendry Ford was made out of Hemp plastics.
We fast forward to today, “Legal Marijuana” is a concept that is still far from being achieved. Currently Marijuana is under a pseudo legal status under the Medical Marijuana programs. Basically this Pseudo Legalization specifies that patients with debilitating conditions have a right to use Marijuana to ease their pain. This system creates a conflict with the Federal prohibition and in turn has become a very controversial topic.
But would Legal Marijuana really have such horrific impacts on society as the Federal Prohibitionists claim it would? The answer is no. Below I have listed out a few prohibitionist arguments and debunked them with rational thinking and common sense.
Legal Marijuana will promote drug abuse within America, especially the youth!
This outlandish claim sounds like it would have some scientific fact to support it. The fact of the matter is that statistics show that in countries where they have decriminalized drugs and focused on a health awareness approach, drug use significantly dropped, especially among the youth. In Medical Marijuana states statistics also show that people are consuming less alcohol which is infinitely worse than marijuana.
That it would have major “negative social impact” and easier access for young people!
Once more, it seems that prohibitionists place an awful lot of emphasis on the youth and the dangers for the youth. Currently it is more difficult for young people to obtain alcohol than marijuana, because marijuana is within an unregulated market currently, meaning that there is no age limit, no screening just drug dealers making profits. In terms of negative social impact; the current prohibitionist system is causing hundreds of thousands of arrests, spending billions of dollars on trying to combat people’s habits, inflated police force and budget and much more. A Legal Marijuana system would ensure that young people would not have access to cannabis, the quality and consistency of the plant would be regulated and finally all the profits that come from the legal sale of marijuana would be pumped back into health and education. This means that there actually would be a budget for drug rehabilitation. The current system of prohibition in terms of dealing with drug addiction can be compared to making graveyards to cure cancer.

Know about Legal Marijuana system from http://marijuanadoctors411.com/.

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