New And Improved – HCG 800 Calorie Diet plan

August 26, 2011 | Author: | Posted in Popular Diets

So you’ve saw the wonderful success individuals have had shedding pounds on Dr. Simeons HCG Food plan. You wish to go on this food plan yourself but you’re concerned about the 500 calories you might have to limit yourself to. Well now specialists have found that you could increase your food consumption and still drop the same amount of weight.

You have to recognize that the original food regimen designed by Dr. Simeons as detailed in his self-published pamphlet “Pounds and Inches” was written over fifty years ago. As with all great things, there are changes made over time with more study and changes. The HCG Diet plan is no different. After working with thousands of people on this eating plan many adjustments and improvements have been applied. Some of these modifications involve:

- Calories – The greatest change is in the quantity of calories you could eat. It has gone from a food regimen of 500 calories to an eating plan of 800 calories. 6oz of protein is suggested on the 800 Calorie Method. Several doctors feel this is safer and more sustainable and are more apt to approve of this food plan for you.

- A light protein breakfast is permitted along with your coffee or tea.

- Vegetables – You were just allowed a limited assortment of vegetables. Now you could have a greater assortment of greens. Up to 2 cups of greens per meal.

- Miracle Noodles- They are calorie free and carb free. Produced from Glucomannan that helps balance your blood sugar levels. Enjoy!

Injection vs Oral – The original food regimen prescribed only injections of HCG administered by a doctor. It is now found that the oral HCG drops are just as beneficial and could be administered very easily by the dieter.

- Foods Permitted – The new version of the diet plan allows a larger choice of meals and there are various recipe books obtainable nowadays that make the diet regime much simpler to tolerate. Before many individuals would cheat on the food plan merely due to the fact of the restricted variety in their eating plan and they just felt they had to sneak something not on the food plan for variety.

So, with this new, improved version of the HCG Food plan you’ll enjoy a safer, more sustainable food regimen that will give you the same wonderful results as the original Dr. Simeons version. You’ll feel better and be more apt to stick with the diet with the better selection of foods and the higher calorie count granted.

For the best in pure natural HCG Products and many other organic health products remember to visit Rebekah’s Pure Living where her dedicated staff will look after your natural health needs. If you work with her and your doctor, you’ll soon be on the road to a healthier, fuller life.

For more info call 810-660-8585 or pay a visit to or you can click any of these hyperlinks: HCG or 800 calories HCG Protocol

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