How To Eliminate Eye Bags – My Top 5 Remedies

Looking in the mirror and seeing puffy bags of skin below your eyes is just not a welcome sight but it could be a consequence of your body getting older. The skin surrounding your eyes becomes thinner and stretches more easily because aging causes a decrease in the elasticity of the skin. Age is a fact of life as are some other eye bag causing factors such as heredity, allergic reactions and medical problems. Many of the things which encourage saggy eye bags to develop are, however, because of lifestyle and can be modified or changed. A program for eliminating saggy eye bags could be as simple as changing a few of your habits.
1. Get Rid of Eye Bags through Rest – Individuals who who attend social gatherings frequently and stay out late can often find themselves developing puffy bags and dark circles around their eyes. For the skin to remain healthy, adequate amount of restful sleep is required on a daily basis. People need to set a regular time of going to sleep and of waking up in order that their circadian sleep cycle is in balance. The area where you sleep should be made as encouraging to restful sleep as possible. Stress and anxiety can keep people wakeful but relaxation exercises prior to bedtime is the best remedy to handle this problem. Keeping the head up on a couple of pillows while sleeping can help surplus fluids in eye bags to drain away.
2. Control Allergies for Puffy Eye Removal – Allergies to a wide range of items such as foods, animals or environmental issues could cause allergic reactions in your body that could include puffiness and redness around the eyes that encourage eye bags to develop. If in case you have any type of allergies then removing saggy eye bags is as simple as making an appointment with your health care provider so that you could get information and guidance on how to handle the problem. If you are not sure whether you have got an allergy or not, your doctor can tell you and at the same time the doctor can do a complete body checkup to make sure that the eye bags are not caused by thyroid or kidney ailments.
3. Chill Eye Bags to Remove Them – Putting cold objects over your eyes is a safe and effective way to get rid of eye bags speedily. Unfortunately the effect is only temporary. Any item which can be made cold can be used as a cold pack. Chilled slices of cucumber are a traditional folk therapy for decreasing swelling in eye bags. Recent popular choices for cold packs include metal spoon and cotton balls that have been left to chill in the refrigerator overnight. Recently cool green tea bags have become many peoples choice for a cold pack after scientists revealed that green tea carries an anti-inflammatory affect and could reduce puffiness in eye bags.
4. Moisturize to Remove Eye bags – As you age the skin around the eye area thins and begins to lose its elasticity. Using a gel, lotion or cream which has effective revitalizing substances is an excellent way of removing saggy eye bags. As you grow older your body produces a lesser amount of collagen, a body skin protein which keeps skin stretchy and healthy. Using a eye bag reduction skin cream with collagen in it will help to rejuvenate your skin and restore flexibility in it. Vitamins such as A, E and K are vital to maintain your skin healthy. They also work as antioxidants to fight free radical molecules and toxins which cause skin cell damage and help encourage collagen production by your body.
5. Reduce Eye Bags with Facial Exercises – Getting rid of eye bags can be accomplished by using a variety of facial exercises intended to tighten the skin layers and build up muscle tone and also burn off the fat lumps that have accumulated under the eyes.

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