Analysis of the Montana Medical Marijuana Program and the Future of Cannabis in America

The Montana Medical Marijuana program is currently being restricted due to the Montana Supreme court ruling. The system was originally institutionalized in 2004 and since then had more than 27,000 registered card holders until last year a restriction was placed.

Under some scrutiny the state decided that the Montana Medical Marijuana system within Montana was not “constitutional”. They claimed that patients had a right to pursuit means of bettering their health, but that doesn’t include drugs of any kind, especially marijuana.

The Federal Government considers marijuana to be a schedule I drug, which means it holds no medical value and has a high potential for abuse. There is absolutely no scientific or medical basis to support the claim of the Federal government as many independent research groups have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that Marijuana does indeed have medical value. In fact, recent studies have found that essential hemp oils actually cure certain types of cancer. In essence it instructs the mutated cells to self-destruct while promoting the healthy ones. Despite all of these findings, thousands of testimonials and empirical evidence; the Federal Government maintains the status of marijuana.

Currently within the United States, systems like the Montana Medical Marijuana programs are being instituted. Currently there are seventeen states that have adopted the Medical Marijuana program. Three of those States are voting this November on legalizing Marijuana for recreational purposes. In addition to this, there are ten states still pending on their own Medical Marijuana programs. More than half of the United States support full scale legalization and the number is only growing.

Marijuana has only been illegal for 70 years and was made illegal through corporate greed and mass manipulation. Marijuana was one of the first crops to be grown in Young America and continued to serve the nation until 1937. Since then millions of Americans have been jailed, criminal enterprises were enriched and corruption and social chaos emerged. It wasn’t until 1997 when California implemented the first pseudo legal Medical Marijuana system. Since then systems like the Montana Medical Marijuana program and others flourished.

Even though the Federal Government continues to wage a war on personal freedom, the movement for re-legalization is occurring. Every year more Americans begin to embrace the idea of Marijuana. They understand that there are few risks involved; it is safer than current commercial and legal drugs such as alcohol and tobacco. America understands the billion dollar potential in commercial and industrial cannabis based on the medical Marijuana model and is growing tired of the millions of imprisoned Americans arrested for minor drug offenses.

As this trend continues to grow we can expect a new dawn in the history pages of America, where they took back what was taken from them. The only reason why Marijuana became illegal in the first place was because it is the only plant that can compete with all major industries; Oil, Lumber, Big Pharma, Textile, Synthetics, Construction and more. Marijuana can produce more than 40,000 unique products…including food.

Know about Montana Medical Marijuana program at

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